This training was developed by the Regional Mental Health Services Coordination Office in collaboration with County Offices of Behavioral Health in the Southeastern Region of PA. The purpose of this training is to orient behavioral health staff to the criminal justice system and the experiences of persons with behavioral health challenges who are involved with that system. The training will provide insight into the perspectives of professionals in the Criminal Justice and Behavioral Health systems that inform their understanding and interventions with clients. Participants will be encouraged to develop reflexivity about their own practice and will learn specific skills for advocacy and collaboration so that services for behavioral health clients involved in the criminal justice system are trauma and justice informed and ultimately, more effective.

This is a three-part series. To receive a certificate, participation in ALL three sessions plus the completion of an evaluation is required.


05/11/23 –PART I - Available: YouTube Video for viewing
05/18/23 –PART II - Instructor-led Zoom session 9:00a – noon
05/24/23 –PART III - Instructor-led Zoom session. 9:00a – noon

Part I: Introduction and Criminal Justice System Overview: A 45- minute video to be viewed on your own prior to participation in Parts II and III


Part II: Understanding Perspectives in Criminal Justice and Behavioral Health A 3 hour, didactic and interactive training, virtual format

Part III: Collaboration and Advocacy Skills A 3 hour, didactic and interactive training, virtual format


Expectations of participants:

Who should attend? Anyone within Southeast PA Counties/Region:

Mental Health Professionals
Behavioral Health Staff
Forensic Liaisons
Case Managers
Peer Specialists
Agency staff who support
individuals who are involved with the criminal justice system


Overview of CJ system
Sequential Intercept Model
Best Practices in Collaboration and Diversion

Overview of perspectives and mandates:

Criminal Justice System
Behavioral Health


Trauma informed
Justice informed, Conflict resolution, Collaboration, Advocacy, Skill development


Virtual self-paced portion plus didactic, interactive online, practice scenarios and resource materials